Sinus surgery, or sinuplasty, is an effective way to improve sinusitis, which is one of the most frequently diagnosed chronic illnesses in the U.S.
Doctors consider sinusitis chronic when its characteristic inflammation lasts for three months or more, caused primarily by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. However, the structure of the sinus openings and blockages of the nasal passages can also lead to this condition. In addition, if there is improper drainage or closure of the sinus openings, mucus will not drain properly, which can lead to inflammation and possible infection.
Dr. Dutton, director of the Rhinoplasty Institute of Chicago and one of the best sinus surgeons in Chicago, is the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles on sinus surgery and is a well-known expert in this field. In addition, he is the former chief of rhinology/facial plastic surgery at Rush University Medical Center. He is also double-board-certified in otolaryngology and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. These credentials make him one of the country’s leading sinus surgeons.
Benefits of Sinus Surgery in Chicago
Sinus surgery can improve the following symptoms of chronic sinusitis:
- Nasal and/or facial congestion, pain, or fullness
- Headaches
- Night-time coughing
- Inability or reduced ability to breathe through the nose
- Yellow or green nasal discharge
- Toothaches
- Fatigue
- Sore throat
Some patients who receive sinus surgery elect to undergo a cosmetic rhinoplasty at the same time to improve their nose’s external appearance. Dr. Dutton is one of the country’s leading experts in concurrent sinus surgery and rhinoplasty. If you have a deviated septum or other structural anomaly in your nose, you may be an excellent candidate for a functional rhinoplasty.
The Sinus Surgery Procedure
There are many techniques to enlarge the obstructed opening to the sinuses. One minimally invasive approach involves using a balloon to dilate the entrance to the sinuses, like how heart surgeons open blocked arteries of the heart when performing a balloon angioplasty.
During a balloon catheter dilation or balloon sinuplasty, Dr. Dutton threads a guide wire equipped with a tiny balloon into the nostrils and up to the blockage. He then inflates the balloon just enough to open the passageway.
Since the procedure doesn’t involve any cutting or scraping of the sinuses, no packing is necessary, and the recovery time is minimal. In addition, the technology is safe and minimally invasive.
Dr. Dutton can perform sinus surgery in his Dr. Dutton’s office with local anesthesia. It will allow you to have a speedier recovery and get back to your everyday life much more quickly. Dr. Dutton is an expert in balloon catheter dilation and travels nationally to teach other surgeons how to perform this procedure.
Recovery From Sinus Surgery in Chicago
Most patients can return to work and other normal activities within a day or two of balloon sinuplasty. However, it may take a few weeks to fully relieve your sinus pressure. In addition, you can expect nasal congestion to continue for a few weeks during the healing process, including some bloody discharge.
It is essential to avoid blowing your nose for a while after your surgery. You may also experience some post-surgical pain, which you can manage with medications. Usually, over-the-counter formulas are sufficient.
You will have post-operative visits with Dr. Dutton to assist your healing and monitor your progress.
Learn More
Contact Dr. Dutton for a sinus surgery consultation. We will walk you through the process and answer any of your questions.
Call us at (630) 574-8222 or CONTACT US TODAY!
FAQs About Sinus Surgery in Chicago
What is a deviated septum?
The nasal septum is the bony and cartilaginous structure dividing the left and right lane of airflow through the nose. When a septum suffers trauma or is defective from birth, doctors describe it as a deviated septum. Typically, when the nose suffers damage through injury or trauma, the deviation is a combination of bone and cartilage.
What anesthesia does Dr. Dutton use during sinus surgery?
Your sinus surgery will take place after a board-certified anesthesiologist puts you under general anesthesia. It will allow you to sleep restfully during the procedure with no pain or discomfort.
Can I have cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty surgery performed simultaneously?
Yes, Dr. Dutton can do a nose job that includes aesthetic benefits and septoplasty. Keep in mind that your insurance may not cover the cosmetic portion of your procedure.
Learn More
Contact Dr. Dutton for a sinus surgery consultation, we will walk you through the process and answer any of your questions.
Contact Us Today!