Having trouble getting a good night’s rest? Getting a rhinoplasty procedure may be the difference between a restful night and a sleepless night. If you are thinking about rhinoplasty, schedule your consultation today with Dr. Jay M. Dutton!
Having trouble getting a good night’s rest? Getting a rhinoplasty procedure may be the difference between a restful night and a sleepless night. If you are thinking about rhinoplasty, schedule your consultation today with Dr. Jay M. Dutton!
Many patients consider rhinoplasty hopping to obtain a so-called perfect button nose, without consider whether this shape will actually benefit their facial shape or change aesthetics for the worst. The patients who are most satisfied with treatment are those who focus on a natural aesthetic and consider how their nose shape affects facial balance. For… Read More »
Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a nose job, can be performed for both cosmetic and functional reasons. Whether your goal is to improve the overall appearance of your nose or to fix functional problems, here is how a nose job can change your life for the better: Cosmetic Reshapes/resizes the nose for a better-proportioned face…. Read More »
Sometimes called a “nose job”, rhinoplasty improves the look and proportion of the nose for cosmetic and functional reasons. It is the 3rd most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S., being the 1st for men and 3rd for women. Dr. Dutton of the Rhinoplasty Institute of Chicago created this infographic that includes facts about the rhinoplasty… Read More »
Fact or fiction: Does your nose continue to grow as you age? Experts explain that the nose doesn’t technically grow past a certain age, but subtle changes in the shape of the nose do continue to occur with age. These changes can make a nose appear larger. According to Everyday Health, a person’s overall nasal… Read More »
Every year, half a million people seek consultation for changing the appearance of their nose, according to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS). Rhinoplasty surgery remains the most popular and most commonly desired plastic surgery procedure for both men and women under 35. However, a typical recovery after nasal surgery can… Read More »